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Settings screen closing immediately after opening on Windows 10 resolved

Across 3 different PCs I upgraded to Windows 10 recently I had 3 different issues. The biggest issue on the laptop that was upgraded was having the new Settings screen close immediately after opening. It would flash up for a moment, then close.

It would affect other similar screens (that kind of look the same, with that new UI) and was particularly annoying me as I wanted to set up Default Apps, connect to VPN, and do some other things that I could only access via the Settings page. Rebooting made no difference. But finally I found a fix!

Settings screen closing immediately after opening on Windows 10 resolved

Thanks to this forum site (which I must say has been a great forum site over the years for all different versions of Windows) it directed me to a Windows forum page that was surprisingly helpful (I say surprisingly due to past horrible experiences with Microsoft’s answers pages) and explained that it was a known issue, that a utility had been created to resolve it if it was occurring, and Windows has since been patched to prevent it happening again.

Link to the Microsoft answers page that explains the whole thing can be found here.

Link directly to the utility (just download and run) can be found here.

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